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Hey! I’m Megan.


I’m a twenty-something weirdo who is currently based in North Carolina. I have a degree in fashion-focused brand management and marketing, with a current job in social media marketing. When I was little, I loved dressing up and having photoshoots with my friends, but I didn’t know how much I loved fashion until I got to college.


I get it. There are thousands of fashion blogs out there, hundreds of thousands probably. The market is oversaturated, and frankly, sometimes a little boring. 

I try to mix it up. I’m currently really into kpop. I went to a preppy private school. I had an emo phase. I’m basically a giant melting pot of styles. It keeps things interesting, and I hope you think so too.


Though to be honest, I’m writing this blog a bit more for me than for you. If I ever stop creating things, something is seriously wrong. I like to create in all forms, loudly and with laughter. I hope you enjoy the various media forms this blog inhabits just as much as I do.


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