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  • megancstitt

22 Things I Did at 22

A small summary of my 22nd year of life.

I hope you guys enjoyed a week’s break from my antics, or maybe you missed me, who knows? I was pretty exhausted this past week after working over the weekend + going out with my friends so I decided to cut myself some slack and not stress about blog posts. It puts a little dent in my record of posting for 2018, but it was worth it to not be up late stressing.

I’m turning 23. I feel as if there is nothing in particular that is significant about that age, but adding another year to your life is always a reason to celebrate. What better way to do it than a blog post (for me at least)? I’m a lover of making lists and sometimes when everything is a whirlwind, it’s good to sit down and remind yourself of all the good things. I imagine this list reads a little like when Tyler Oakley lists his year’s accomplishments, filled with pep and at full speed. Here we go!

  1. Celebrated 22 with my new (and now best) friends while on a service trip in California, installing solar panels in low income areas. Everyone on that trip made me feel special, even though we had just met. We danced to Taylor Swift’s 22 probably 10 times that day. We stayed up late every night of the trip laughing and playing games. We did work that we all believed in and put our hearts in to service. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. I love these people forever.

  2. Designed a collection just because I wanted to. My fashion degree does not include sewing, I am not a designer, I do marketing!! It was a wild ride, but I am really proud that I did that.

  3. Went with my service spring break friends to D.C. to March for Science!!

  4. Finally modeled in the third of the top fashion shows at NC State, Art2Wear. Thank you Carly for the opportunity, p.s. check out her amazing embroidery!

  5. Graduated College. Surprisingly, on time.

  6. Went to Myrtle Beach after graduation, where the craziest thing I did was adopt a hermit crab. (Yes, she’s still alive. Her name is Pearl)

  7. Got a third tattoo, number four to follow soon.

  8. Pet lots of good dogs.

  9. Moved to Brooklyn for an internship in New York City.

  10. Done something I’ve always wanted to do and visited Refinery 29’s #29Rooms.

  11. Walked the Brooklyn Bridge too many times to count.

  12. Moved back to Raleigh. Sometimes I still count this as a bummer, but then I remember I have a great job and so many of my close friends and family are here.

  13. Got really heckin’ into kpop. Became unapologetic about it. Made friends by talking about it. Convinced my friends to get into it. Having a really good time.

  14. Ate a lot of amazing food.

  15. More importantly, ate it with great friends.

  16. Started a new job with cool work, cool people, and a cool view.

  17. Started loving tea, with a possibility of addiction. I hate coffee so I’m grateful for this small caffeine kick.

  18. Created lots of content. 46 blog posts, 232 Instagram posts, and various creations of other mediums.

  19. Finally got into a regular work out routine for the first time in my life. This feels big for me, I’m proud of it. It’s not much yet, but I’m enjoying it.

  20. Learned to like sushi, I’ve been trying to enjoy it for years. Now I eat too much of it. Going to eat some more tonight as I write this (let me live).

  21. Attended a lot of great shows: Bastille (the night before graduation & the perfect end to college), Great Good Fine Ok (shoutout/checkout my friend Chris, their tour photographer), My Brother, My Brother, & Me (a fave funny podcast), Happy Abandon (triangle locals!), Joywave (<3)

  22. Tried to laugh more than I cried. Pretty sure I succeeded, though I cry from laughing too hard a lot.

Gosh, I wanted to put a photo for every single one of these but that would be just plain obnoxious and hard to read. I like lists clean, so here’s a few favorite photos below. Make the most of your years, they’re the only one’s you’ve got.

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