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  • megancstitt


Recently I’ve been struggling with remembering to breathe. As one swims underwater, it’s only natural that you come up for air. You don’t really need to remember, your body just decides it is time. However with anxiety, you have to remind yourself to take that vital breathe.

I’ve been overcome with stress over too many things lately. Most revolve around this upcoming trip- I’ve never been to Europe, been that far away from home, or been away from my family and friends for that amount of time. Sure, five weeks isn’t actually that long, but I’ve been acting like I’m going away for forever. I’m letting all the little details and fears overrun my life. At some point, I have to come up for air. I have to stop stressing, focus on the happy things here at home, and let some excitement sink in.

Truthfully, it doesn’t feel like I’m going to London. I feel like it’s some fake trip that I’ve planned, some fairytale place I’ve always dreamed about and maybe that’s part of my fear too. What if it doesn’t live up to my expectations? What if I don’t make any friends? What if, what if, what if. This blog post is a reminder for me push off the bottom and swim to the surface to breathe.

I really love taking underwater pictures, I’m fascinated with the way they look; since anxiety feels a bit like drowning, I figured this was a good post to include some of my favorites. If you think about it, please send some prayers/good vibes/luck my way as I embark on my adventure later this week. Thanks.

And then here are some happy pictures, because going to the pool and soaking up sunshine and chlorine has really been fun.

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