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  • megancstitt

Fabulous Fur

I have been SO excited to blog about this since it happened three weeks ago. Well, the idea started last semester actually. An old friend of mine, Jenna, messaged me with an idea to collaborate on some sort of project. She is studying photography and wants to end up in fashion photography (how cool, right?!) and contacted me about styling a shoot of some sort! We weren’t really sure what we wanted to do so we had a creative coffee talk over break and decided to try to get a shoot in before heading back to our respective schools.

We talked about loving a red lip in the winter and were originally aiming for a little bit more glamorous nature shoot; but break was kind of crazy, and we ended up not having all the right clothes for that or the time to pull it all together. Instead I fount this fabulous fur coat that was my mom’s. I am absolutely in love with the structure of it, the shoulders, the belt, the length- it’s the ideal (or at least my ideal) fur coat. I styled it three different ways and kept the red lip idea. I had never worn the coat before, or any other fur coat for that matter, so it was a lot of fun trying to pull the looks together. I think they came out really great because I love each of these looks!

Jenna is seriously one of the best photographers I have seen. She is so passionate about her work and she already knows so much about photography, I mean look at the lighting in some of these photos! She also knows quite a bit about posing- I’m still getting comfortable in front of the camera, but she was able to coach me into some great shots!  Make sure you check out more from her on her website or on her facebook page. Thank you so much for the photos Jenna, I had so much fun shooting with you!

These photos belong to Jenna Markiewicz Photography.

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