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  • megancstitt

Nothing Profound

I feel a bit obligated to write a blog post reflecting on 2017 or setting goals for 2018, but the truth is that I have nothing particularly interesting to say.

2017 was honestly everything a year should be, full of its ups and downs. I completed a handful of things on my personal goals list, like show a collection and graduate college, but in addition to the highs of the year there were a lot of lows. That being said, I’m content with the year I’ve had. I’ve made some bad decisions, but who hasn’t? I’ve striven to make a lot of good ones too. I’ve worked on self-improvement, though I definitely still have room to go. I made a lot of new friends and so many great memories. I hope to continue making good experiences and relationships into the new year.

As most people do, I have some personal goals set for 2018, but the one I’ll share with you is this: to be a content creator and not just a consumer. I’ve spent a lot of time on the sidelines this year, but I’d love to get into the habit of being more honestly and excitedly creative and then releasing it into the void of the internet. If you have anything you’d like to see, let me know! I focus a lot on fashion, pop culture, and whatever trend or fad is putting a smile my face at the time, so you’ll hopefully see some new blog posts, Instagram pictures, or maybe even videos from me soon.

I hope that you all spent your new year’s celebration with people that make you smile and laugh. I hope that this year will bring you all that you hope for, but when things go wrong (because life is unpredictable and unfair) that you have the grace and support system to get through them. Shout out and thank you to my very lovely friends and family for always sticking it out for me.

Instagram gave me a “Top 9” photos based on likes, but they were all photos of myself. Instead, here are 9, but just a few, of my favorite moments of this year through Instagram photos. Most of them represent more than they show, but I’m reflecting to myself today and figure you don’t need whole paragraphs of my lifer/year story. Happy new year!

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