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  • megancstitt

Recently: According to Instagram

Here it is: the semi-annual post that catches you up on my life because I haven’t been keeping up with blogging. I’ve been using Instagram quite a bit lately because I enjoy it and I’ve gotten more into marketing (and Instagram is a really fun subject to study in how marketing is happening)

This was taken the night I got back to school after Christmas break. Everything was really clean, organized, and quiet, so I took a picture to commemorate that moment of ease.

The semester started off really really well. I won a scholarship from the YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund and got to fly to NYC to attend a Gala along with other scholars. Four other students from the College of Textiles went and we had a grand time. Our career advisor set up a bunch of company tours and we had a great time exploring the city. This is a picture of the M. Martin showroom which was truly fantastic. The co-founders were so kind and inspiring- I can’t wait to /hopefully/ inspire people like they do.

The gala was amazing as well, a few industry leaders were honored and I got to wear a fancy dress. We stayed in the Marriott in Times Square. It truly was one of the best experiences of my life- this scholarship will probably change my life. It’s already given me a lot of confidence in what I can do. Here is a picture of my morning view:

After returning from New York, I started applying for internships. I’ve applied to over 30 so far, but without luck for the summer. I did however get an internship with Calypso Lemonade for social media content. I’m doing this on a weekly basis- it’s a lot of fun and I’m starting to love marketing. This is the Instagram picture I used to announce my position.

Then something weird happened…. I turned 21. It feels a little bit crazy that I’m that old (which okay, I know is not old), but honestly if I think about it too hard I get weirded out. I had an early birthday party and it was just so wonderful. I’ve never had this many friends in my life and I was so excited that so many of them came to celebrate with me! On my actual birthday my dad and family members took me out for my first drink, which I realize is not how most college students do it, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I wore a sparkly dress to my party, because it was a gold theme of course.

Spring break was immediately after my birthday and it was a complete blast. Myself and six other girls drove to Orlando, Florida to have a warm vacation! We didn’t do much right in Orlando and actually took a lot of day trips. The first day was spent at a natural spring that we floated down like a lazy river. The second day we went to the largest outlet mall in the south east (Victoria’s Secret outlets do exist!). The next two days were spent at the beach, which was relaxing. I love taking naps at the beach, even though I get sunburnt in the process. We went paddle boarding in Crystal River on the third day, which is a place famous for manatees! Of course, we didn’t see any manatees, but we did have a fun time snorkeling in the pretty water and trying not to fall in.

Since then I’ve just been busy with school. So much is going on as every class and organization alike is trying to round out the semester on a strong note. In addition, my family has been moving. We’ve been in the same house for 15 years and even though I don’t live there daily, or even weekly, it has still been a weird process. However I am more excited than anything, change is just a part of life. When I stayed in the house over Easter break I found my ukulele and started playing again like nothing had changed, which was really comforting because I’ve definitely changed a lot.

Lastly, but most certainly not least, Phil is still around. That was a weird way to put it, but I felt like I needed to update you that he is still here and that I still love that boy. We had a culinary adventure last night and made risotto, which is so good. It had a bit too much onion but I had a lot of fun, as I always do with him.

I think that brings my life up to speed. I’ve been doing quite a bit of modeling as well, but I’ll try to blog more about that soon. Myself and Emily are currently drinking wine, watching John Mulaney, and eating muffins. It’s a good night, life is busy, but I’m okay and hope you are too.

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