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  • megancstitt

Sweet Summertime

Hi. Obviously I haven’t been very active as of late. School got a little too intense and I tried to do way too many things on top of it. But it’s summer now and I am going to do my absolute best to keep this blog updated. For the first part of summer I actually won’t be doing too much. I’m not working: a. because I’ll be gone the second half of summer (LONDON!!), and b. because I want to spend time with my family since it’s my last summer at home.  However, I don’t intend for this first half of the summer to pass by with no productivity. It’s only been half a week and I’ve already been productive! First of all, re-organizing and cleaning my room, and second of all- EMBROIDERY!

Embroidery is something that I’ve wanted to try for a while, because a favorite teacher of mine was really passionate about it. My step-mom had some hoops, threads, and needles and let me use them! So yesterday, all on my own, I embarked on my embroidery journey. (and let me tell you, I am loving it!!)

I actually did a ton of things wrong, but it did turn out looking okay! The back is super messy, and apparently I’m not supposed to knot things. I started with the constellation idea and went from there. No pattern was used, but I did draw on the fabric for some of the shapes. I’ve got a lot to learn, so if you have any tips or advice please let me know!

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