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Top 10 Instagram Follows

Honestly, this is a post that could give me some “creeper” points. I follow almost 1,200 people on Instagram and pay attention to some more than others. Specifically there is a group of fabulous ladies who inspire me to put my best foot forward, in fashion, social media, and life. If you’re looking for someone new to follow, here are my recommendations.

Followers: 914

Preface: Sabrina and I actually went to elementary and middle school together, but were never friends; we also worked together at J. Crew a few years ago and had some great chats. But we really weren’t friends until last fall when she reached out to me on Instagram to ask if we could have coffee because she thought we should be friends. We’ve been having absolutely fabulous coffee dates and shopping trips ever since.

Why I’m Following: Sabrina is the most incredible chef. Plus her lifestyle is wholesome, finding balance between the little things and some great Gucci loafers. You’ll find amazing eats, a new cocktail in the tub each day, and tons of pictures of her precious pug, Biscuit.

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Followers: 1,103

Preface: Sam and I became friends when we hosted a Moon & Lola event together this spring (we are both HAPPY Squad members). She’s super sweet and always has a smile on her face. We got along so well I actually asked her to model for my collection.

Why I’m Following: Her aesthetic is on point. Looking through her feed inspires me to take better images as hers are posed at exactly the best angle and lighting. I’m talking flawless photos y’all.

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Handle: @toriradday

Followers: 3,936

Preface: Tori was one of the first people I followed when we both were Style Gurus for CollegeFashionista. She blogs frequently, and I’ve always been inspired by how she goes after everything she wants: she even started her own vintage shop.

Why I’m Following: Tori’s closet revolves around her many unique and fun vintage pieces. It is incredible to see how she styles them each so differently and I truly admire her use of color (I wear far too much black). Plus her (sun)glasses collection is insanely awesome!

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Followers: 6,783

Preface: I started watching SoSonia’s YouTube videos awhile ago as she creates content for SoulPancake. Her videos are completely phenomenal. Her creativity is unmatched and I get stuck watching them for hours.

Why I’m Following: She promotes so much self love and encouragement to follow your dreams. She is unafraid to speak her mind and post what she wants. Her creativity is inspiring and I love watching her live her life.

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Handle: @ahoffz

Followers: 702

Preface: I’ve never actually met Ashley, but she is a friend of a friend and I had the honor of writing an article for PopToIt, a zine which she was the EIC of.

Why I’m Following: She presents her personal life in a beautiful way, whether it’s city views, a cute pup, amazing outfits, or concert photos. I love being along for the ride!

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Followers: 2,109

Preface: I briefly worked retail with Jess two years ago before she moved back to Boston. She is just as chic in person and super sweet!

Why I’m Following: Her Instagram looks like the captivating, fabulous life of a fashion and lifestyle editor. In addition, you should check out this awesome curated content site she started with a friend, La Trelle.

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Handle: @n_agem

Followers: 2,632

Preface: I followed Megan when we were both gurus for CollegeFashionista (and I just now realized that her handle is Megan backwards).

Why I’m Following: Her Instagram looks straight from Tumblr, with romantic rose photos and stunning selfies. She’s a rep for Glossier so her skin is on point.

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Handle: @aishahatter

Followers: 7,182

Preface: Aisha was marketing manger at CollegeFashionista while I was a Style Guru.

Why I’m Following: She is fashion career goals. Chic, successful, charming city girl 101. Her style is always edgy and fun!

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Handle: @loafysophie

Followers: 712

Preface: Honestly not sure how or when I found Sophie’s Instagram, but she’s been aesthetic goals for as long as I can remember!

Why I’m Following: Dreamy pastel hues and cute cafe snaps make Sophie’s Instagram one of the most adorable out there. But seriously, how did she get all of her pictures to match?

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Handle: @kaycaden

Followers: 1,315

Preface: Another one of the fabulous ladies I followed through CollegeFashionista!

Why I’m Following: Kelsey’s outfits are always on point, and she is always, always creating. I am not sure what she is studying exactly, but her portfolio is killer. She even posts awesome pictures from it on Instagram too!

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